Problems getting your renewal forms?

It continues to be a busy time in the office as Terry and the staff continue to process memberships. Added to this were problems from the mail that resulted in not a few of you missing your forms in the mail. If you did not receive yours, the quickest way to renew is to do…

Thank you for attending the AGM 2019

The 2019 Annual General Meeting for PCDHFC was a record fastest meeting of the general membership clocking at under an hour. 84 members (and one baby) attended to discuss the agenda and to elect the new executive. Resolutions passed by the membership Exact wording of the motions was contained in the AGM package. The membership…

Thanks for coming to the Firearms Town Hall

With short notice, nevertheless the Clubhouse was full to capacity with members and firearms owners and interested parties coming from abroad to listen to and question MPs Michelle Rempel, Bob Zimmer, Glen Motz on the current status of firearms legislation. The discussion ranged from the way firearms stats are manipulated by anti-gun lobbyists and the…

English is the language of command at the range

With changing demographics comes change in our membership and visitors. Please note that we wish to accommodate all users but for the sake of safety we must enforce our rule on understanding English commands. We cannot possibly have range officers who understand all the varied languages of our multicultural base. Those who struggle with understanding…

AGM: All about being a director

A reminder that our Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 27th. (Previously announced end of last week). A number of positions will be open on our board. Some common questions when considering running for the board. Q. What do directors do? A. They provide governance on issues facing the club. They vote…

Membership Survey Live (Members of 2018)

We’ve just sent out a Membership Survey to our members.This is a chance to check-in with our members that held a valid-membership (and shared their email with us) in Calendar 2018. If you feel that you should have received an invitation (or you have questions about this) please email us at **(If you have…