CORE class on Feb 10/11 2024

Friendly Reminder our next CORE class is coming up soon Feb 10th/11th. Only a few registration slots available! Successfully completing this course is a requirement for allowing you to start Hunting in BC. Take ownership of where your food is sourced from! CORE courses with Martyne at PCDHFC! 2024 Course Dates and Registrations Location: PCDHFC…

Reminder: AGM Jan 28 2024

Members, the club’s AGM will be held on Sunday January 28 2024 in the clubhouse. Doors open at 9am. Meeting starts at 10am. Please bring your current valid membership card for voting. Memberships may be renewed at the AGM but cash or cheque only. Click here for details.

AGM Jan 28 2024

Members, the club’s AGM will be held on Sunday January 28 2024 in the clubhouse. Doors open at 9am. Meeting starts at 10am. Please bring your current valid membership card for voting. Memberships may be renewed at the AGM but cash or cheque only. Click here for details.