Family Day

Monday is Family Day in B.C. (and in other provinces). Take the time to cherish your family and the people you made your family. Hanging out at the range and competing leads you into making friendships and bonds the equal of any other activity. Enjoy the bonds you have made and remember the friends and…

Problems getting your renewal forms?

It continues to be a busy time in the office as Terry and the staff continue to process memberships. Added to this were problems from the mail that resulted in not a few of you missing your forms in the mail. If you did not receive yours, the quickest way to renew is to do…

Thank you for attending the AGM 2019

The 2019 Annual General Meeting for PCDHFC was a record fastest meeting of the general membership clocking at under an hour. 84 members (and one baby) attended to discuss the agenda and to elect the new executive. Resolutions passed by the membership Exact wording of the motions was contained in the AGM package. The membership…