PCDHFC Members On Site for Historic Days!

Well it has been 100+ Years since Coho were seen above the Coquitlam Dam and what a sight to see, participate in, and witness! On October 22nd and 29th, participating PCDHFC members Doug Flannagan, Dave Belgrove, Marek Syrzycki and Brian Simonson witnessed the release of 33 Coho adult broodstock into Cedar Creek, in the Coquitlam watershed.  In…

Pumpkin Week Oct 28-November 9th – EXTENDED

Due to the COVID-19 ongoing pandemic situation, the board has decided to cancel the Pumpkin Shoot for 2020. DO NOT BE DISHEARTENED! From Wednesday, October 28th through to Monday, November 9th ALL MEMBERS (and guests) will be permitted to bring pumpkins to the public ranges! We will be collecting $2 per pumpkin in donation to…

Notice of changes for New Members

Recently, an uptick in safety incidents has lead to the Executive Committee to recommend changes ensuring new members who have not yet taken the New Members Course are adequately informed of safety procedures prior to attending Range 7. The incidents reported include: improper handling of firearms during cease fires unsafe handling of firearms during shooting…

Hatchery Update: GGMH Education Corner

A BIG “SHOUT OUT” to regular feeders and members at Grist Goeson Memorial Hatchery (GGMH) for their dedication to daily feeding, care and attention to on hand FRY throughout the year, and ongoing site maintenance. Throughout the year GGMH can have a range of 20,000 to 110,000 Fry on hand. This range includes 60,000 Coho…