Call ahead to use R10 if non-RUC member

Because of staffing issues if you intend to use Range 10 – the pistol range – and you are NOT an RUC certified member please call the Range 7 office at 604-942-9736 to see if R10 is open that day as we may not have supervision available that day. We are currently training more ROs…

Bill 4: Firearm Violence Protection Act passes

Last Thursday, the Legislature voted into law Bill 4: the Firearm Violence Protection Act. In the debate the Provincial government defended the bill as creating new penalties for illegally possessing and using firearms in vehicles and puts additional requirements on ranges to collect information on range users. We believe we are already compliant with the…

C.O.R.E hunters education back on

We are again offering C.O.R.E. Conservation Outdoor Recreation Education for those aspiring to hunt in B.C. on May 1st and 2nd. Because of COVID protocols space is limited so call or email the office to reserve your spot. The cost is $175 + $20 for the course manual if needed.

Fraser River Sportfishing Alliance

Many of you enjoy the bounty of our public waterways in the Fraser Valley and beyond. Please consider helping out this group dedicated to preserving our access to fish in these areas. The Fraser River Sportfishing Alliance (FRSA) is a collective voice of the recreational sport fishing community. We call on the Department of Fisheries…

New Members Courses restarting this month

Since suspending courses due to COVID the club has built up quite a backlog of new members who have not yet completed the required New Members Course. After completing a COVID plan and receiving input from Worksafe BC we will be holding accelerated courses beginning the middle of this month. As these classes will requiring…

Province introduces new Bill further restricting Airsoft / BB guns, body armor and underlines existing Shooting Range regulations

Yesterday, the Province of British Columbia introduced Bill 4 – 2021: Firearm Violence Prevention Act, an act the government states will further the fight against criminal use of firearms and other gang activity. The Bill contains language that appears to affect: BB, “imitation firearms” including what appears to affect airsoft users access to such items…