Parent’s Day – Sunday June 16

We’re dumb and missed Mother’s Day but we can make it up to all parents for Father’s Day this Sunday, June 16th. Members can bring their fathers, mothers, or any guest for 1/2 off guest day cards ($12). Subject to space availability.  

New conservation lands regulations affecting wetlands

Amendments to the Wildlife Act Wildlife Management Area Use and Access Regulation which governs public use of lands marked for conservation have been made. As you can read from this article, there are now restrictions on camping, access and rules around dogs in these lands to protect habitat and wildlife in the following areas: Bert Brink…

Bears are active on the Range

For the past month bears have been very active not just in Salmon Arm but at our club. Please help keep yourself, others and bears safe by doing the following on our grounds: 1. Do not leave foodstuffs or food garbage around. That includes in your car. Bears are strong enough and smart enough to…

Great turn out for our Spring Hawaiian Banquet

Lots of flowered shirts, leis, and laid back chill on hand at our Hawaii-themed banquet tonight where our guests feasted on delicious meats, fruit and treats. Thank you to Tiger Arms, Bass Pro and our other sponsors for the raffle and door prizes. Thank you all for coming and congratulations to the winners. Thanks to…

JOP Archers medal up

The PCDHFC JOP archers brought in 4 gold medals,1 silver and 3 bronzes in a Canada wide all ages mailmatch. Not a bad showing for their efforts. Their coach Tammy Moyer brought in an additional 2 golds as she competed for two categories in ladies compound division.