The 2019 Annual General Meeting for PCDHFC was a record fastest meeting of the general membership clocking at under an hour. 84 members (and one baby) attended to discuss the agenda and to elect the new executive.
Resolutions passed by the membership
Exact wording of the motions was contained in the AGM package.
- The membership voted to change the ages of regular membership from 18 to 19 to be in accordance to B.C. law. Previously there was a discrepancy between our understanding, the law and what our insurance recognized. If you are under 19 you are a junior member, supporting member or a dependent child in a family membership.
- The membership gave the board of 2020 the option to increase membership fees by up to 20%. By our constitution, the power to raise fees must be approved by the general members at an AGM of the previous year.
- There was discussion around the need to increase our contingency budget in the face of the challenge of club renewal, of meeting the expectations of the range inspector, environmental remediation, our continuing efforts at sound abatement as well as the impact of removing non-guest day cards from our weekend revenue. The members were apprised that the club had increased rental fees and were considering other ways of cutting costs.
Please welcome our returning table officers and brand new elected directors:
2nd Vice President: Steve Wade
Secretary: Tyson Nicholas
Treasurer: Jack Fletcher
Peter Hobot
Adam Brawn
Directors (* new directors):
*Mike Kornitsky
*Bill Gu
Kevin Lee
*Matt Narayan
Paul Noble
Linda Noble
*Art Reich
*Amanda Rembiejewski
*Fareez Vellani
All positions were filled by acclamation.