BC Small Bore Provincial Championships 2024

Members of PCDHFC Western International Pistol League  and International Shooting Sport Federation (WIPL/ISSF) club did very well in the BC small bore provincial championships, on May 4 and 5. Our team won eleven awards out of a total of sixteen across the four pistol disciplines, including ALL the match winners.   There are sixteen awards in…

Archery Apparel Order Form

If you are interested in ordering, please use this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScFgbdBn-D5zgxBD9_fg5edFTJSuRvImiKEg1Aj57fgDIyRIg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 We also have the green “3D Archery” apparel available in the Office and for ordering. Contact Brent at brentwatts@gmail.com or see Wanda in the office.